Monday, April 30, 2018

8/24/2014 review of Kurt & Courtney, by Nick Broomfield

Here is a link to my August 24, 2014 Twitter review of Kurt & Courtney, by Nick Broomfield.

The Twitter review is rather short. But Nick Broomfield's documentary Kurt & Courtney is really good.

Broomfield's documentary style is a lot like that of Michael Moore's style in Roger & Me. Broomfield doesn't shy away from asking questions, even if he feels those questions will anger people a lot or get him in deep trouble. In this case, the documentary basically ends with a kind of ugly confrontation between Broomfield and Courtney Love.

Here is the trailer for Kurt & Courtney.

In my thread, I also mention Nick Broomfield's documentary Heidi Fleiss: Hollywood Madam. I think it would be worthwhile for theaters to re-screen this documentary today, as it makes a lot of important points about how sex is used in the context of blackmail -- when it really shouldn't be.

I actually got started watching Nick Broomfield's documentaries by watching his documentary Fetishes, which is wonderful. Broomfield has done a lot of other documentaries, including two on serial killer Aileen Wuornos, as well as Biggie & Tupac, on the lives of the Notorious B.I.G. and Tupac Shakur.

I was also excited to learn that Nick Broomfield has another documentary out: Whitney "Can I Be Me", about Whitney Houston. I need to see it!

Another thing I mention in my Twitter review on Kurt & Courtney is Charles Kingsley's book The Water Babies, which is a lovely book -- especially the illustrations by Jessie Wilcox Smith. Here's one illustration.

8/24/2014 review of Sally Ride: America's First Woman in Space, by Lynn Sherr

Here is a link to my Twitter review from August 24, 2014, of Sally Ride: America's First Woman in Space, by Lynn Sherr.

The Twitter review summarizes my feelings about how Lynn Sherr's work describes Ride's space journeys, effects on the course of NASA, and personal life.

Sally Ride: America's First Woman in Space was published in June of 2014. Here is a link to the Simon & Schuster page for the book. This page includes a few videos about Sally Ride, as well as Lynn Sherr, who was a close friend of Ride's.

Here is one of the Sally Ride videos from the Simon & Schuster website.

8/13/2014 review of Behind the Burly Q, by Leslie Zemeckis

Here is a link to my Twitter review from August 13, 2014, of Behind the Burly Q, by Leslie Zemeckis.

My review mostly summarizes Zemeckis's process of tracking down the great living burlesque stars, some of the stars she spoke with, and some interesting quotes.

You can find Leslie Zemeckis's book Behind the Burly Q at this link.

Also, as I mention in my Twitter review, Zemeckis's Behind the Burly Q is also a documentary. Here's a YouTube video of it.

It might also be worthwhile to note that Zemeckis has some other awesome-looking works out that I haven't seen or read yet, including Goddess of Love Incarnate: The Life of Stripteuse Lili St. Cyr.

Zemeckis also apparently has another book coming out this year called Showgirls. It sounds like it will be scandalous and fun!

8/10/2014 review of Robert A. Heinlein in Dialogue with His Century, by William Patterson

This is a link to my Twitter thread from August 10th, 2014, on the second volume of Robert A. Heinlein in Dialogue with His Century, by William Patterson.

This volume of Patterson's work discusses Heinlein's life from 1948 to 1988. My thread discusses some of Heinlein's political ideals, his support of America's space program, some of Heinlein's travels, and some of the celebrities Heinlein met.

Here is a link to more info on the book from the publisher, as well.

Also, here's an interesting link to a page by the Cato Institute on the book. It includes a YouTube video with Robert Heinlein.