Monday, December 3, 2018

4/26/15 review of 31 Hours of Myopia at Museum of Contemporary Art Denver

Here is the link to my Twitter thread review of the Museum of Contemporary Art Denver's 31 Hours of Myopia event. This was a closing event for the Mark Mothersbaugh show Myopia.

My review is a sort of journal entry. It discusses an open mic night for electronic instruments, Mothersbaugh's voluminous body of postcard art work, some aspects of Mothersbaugh's work that reminds me of ageplay fetishism, a karaoke and dance party, an bedtime story and interview session Mothersbaugh did for us via Skype, some of the interesting people I saw at the event, and some issues I had with people who didn't want me at the event.

Here is a link to the Museum of Contemporary Art Denver's website.

Here is a link to Mark Mothersbaugh's website.

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