Monday, October 21, 2019

2/1/16 review of UN Association Traveling International Documentary Film Festival

Here is the link to my Twitter thread review of the 2016 UN Association Traveling International Documentary Film Festival.

My Twitter thread gives a little background on the film festival, as well as on some of the Denver organizations that helped bring the festival to Denver. The thread gives a review of the documentary Manislam, which showed at the festival, and which was directed by Nefise Ozkal Lorentzen. It gives a review of the short documentary Good Muslim Girls, which was directed by Marilyn Agrelo. And it gives a review of the documentary Driving with Selvi, which was directed by Elisa Paloschi.

Here is the link to the UNAFF 2016 film festival.

The Denver leg of this festival took place at the Denver Film Society's Sie FilmCenter in Denver Colorado.

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