Monday, April 30, 2018

8/13/2014 review of Behind the Burly Q, by Leslie Zemeckis

Here is a link to my Twitter review from August 13, 2014, of Behind the Burly Q, by Leslie Zemeckis.

My review mostly summarizes Zemeckis's process of tracking down the great living burlesque stars, some of the stars she spoke with, and some interesting quotes.

You can find Leslie Zemeckis's book Behind the Burly Q at this link.

Also, as I mention in my Twitter review, Zemeckis's Behind the Burly Q is also a documentary. Here's a YouTube video of it.

It might also be worthwhile to note that Zemeckis has some other awesome-looking works out that I haven't seen or read yet, including Goddess of Love Incarnate: The Life of Stripteuse Lili St. Cyr.

Zemeckis also apparently has another book coming out this year called Showgirls. It sounds like it will be scandalous and fun!

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