Monday, January 13, 2020

10/22/16 review of novel Lolita, by Vladimir Nabokov

Here is the link to my Twitter thread review of the novel Lolita, by Vladimir Nabokov.

The thread gives some background on and a summary of the novel, as well as some background on my experience with it. The thread discusses some of the romantic and family-allegory themes of the novel. It discusses some of the characters and character dynamics in the novel. It discusses the novel's humor and some of my favorite scenes in the novel. It discusses some of the queer aspects of the novel. And it discusses how the novel does and doesn't fit in with other English language and American literature.

I also give a link to my Instagram review of the novel, where I give a bit more of a discussion of my own artistic sensibilities and how they relate to the novel.

Here is the link to the Penguin Random House web page for Lolita.

I bought this book at the Mutiny Information Cafe used bookstore in Denver, Colorado.

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