Wednesday, March 25, 2020

2/12/18 review of book Josephine Baker in Art and Life

Here is the link to my Twitter thread review of the book Josephine Baker in Art and Life: The Icon and the Image, by Bennetta Jules-Rosette.

The thread gives a summary of the book, as well as on Josephine Baker and Bennetta Jules-Rosette. It discusses some of the book's themes, such as the angles all biographies have; Baker's tale as a "Marian quest"; how Baker used her public image to her and society's benefit; the role of fashion in Baker's image; Baker's own invention of her public image; Baker's agency in developing her image; the social work Baker did later on in life; and Baker's involvement with the trans community.

The tweets in my threads have been twisted out of chronological order on Twitter's platform. This thread's coherency is moderately affected as a result. My apologies.

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