Here is the link to a Twitter thread I did on Easter of 2018 about some of Jesus's philosophies.
The thread was basically directed toward the idea that was being debated pretty heavily in my home state, Colorado, as well as being brought before the Supreme Court: should people have the "religious freedom" to deny service to people whose actions don't agree with the service provider's religion. In particular, the question of that moment was, in the US, should Christians have the "religious freedom" to refuse service to LGBTQ people?
The thread uses specific Bible verses to illustrate that making money is opposed to Christianity; that Jesus divided commerce and religion, so that "religious freedom" does not apply to commerce; that Jesus specifically commands people to love and serve everybody, regardless of their religious beliefs or actions; and that Jesus says Christians are immediately and eternally redeemed, so that any of their further actions, including serving non-Christian people, have no impact on their admittance to Heaven.
The tweets in some of my threads have been twisted out of chronological order on Twitter's platform. This thread's coherency is moderately affected. My apologies.
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