Tuesday, March 23, 2021

6/1/18 discussion about being stalked at my house

Here is the link to my June 1, 2018, Twitter thread discussion about my being stalked in my neighborhood.

For more of a discussion about why there are so many threads on this topic around this time period, see the update/thoughts post a few tweets below.

I have been questioning whether to include all of these threads. But I've decided to include them, as I think they say a lot about my thought processes and my own anxieties, but also a lot about what I was going through personally as I was trying to find a social and political place in the world.

Also -- I think it's important for people to be public about these stories. I'm not unique in facing this kind of harassment. There are a lot of people who get harassed like this. More people need to talk about it. More people need to be held accountable for doing it. And more work needs to be done to find out why this kind of stuff happens to so many people.

Twitter's platform has twisted each of my threads through 2018 and 2019 out of chronological order. This thread is affected, but is still moderately coherent. My apologies.

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