Sunday, May 2, 2021

3/21/20 thoughts on racism, abuse, the body politic, and the COVID-19 pandemic

Here is the link to my March 21, 2020, Twitter thread, giving some of my thoughts about the COVID-19 pandemic in America.

This thread is a lot more controversial than my previous thread, which was mostly about how people could help homeless people during the pandemic.

In this thread, I discuss America as a body politic. I see a body politic as an organism, susceptible to illness like any other organism. And I wonder if there weren't mass-psychological factors that made America more susceptible to this illness of the body politic.

I also discuss anti-Chinese racism. And I discuss the way America has, over the past few years, essentially treated China like an abusive spouse would treat their victim. I again link this abuse to a body-politic susceptibility to illness -- another reason our world, it seems to me, did become so vulnerable to the virus.

I completely agree with everything I say in this thread -- maybe even more than I agreed with it back in March of 2020.

However, I also feel like the ideas I have here are only the groundwork for what I'm really getting at. And hopefully there are actual experts out there who have the same feelings and can explore these ideas much more deeply.

Thank you for reading. Please enjoy.

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