Monday, May 3, 2021

6/25/20 discussion about my fetish fanfiction novel Spring Quarantine

Here is the link to my June 25, 2020, Twitter thread about my fetish fanfiction novel Spring Quarantine.

Spring Quarantine is about two homeless friends, Molly and Bobbie, who stumble on the secrets of CytoQuant, a company that is supposed to be making a vaccine for a pandemic virus they knew about long before anybody else did. But Molly and Bobbie, like thousands of other people are, instead of dying from the virus, mysteriously being transformed into their fetish fantasy selves.

I believe I came up with the idea for Spring Quarantine in February of 2020 -- long before the actual lockdowns, at any rate -- and around the time colleges in Denver were sending folks home from school to avoid even risking any COVID outbreaks.

It took me a few months to develop this story. And I did months of studying and research for this story. It consumed a lot of my time over the first six months of 2020. The story is about 200 pages and 80,000 words long. There is no way I would have been able to write it had I not put a lot of effort and time into it.

This is the first of many threads I write about Spring Quarantine between June 25th and September 6th.

The majority of the threads I write talk about all the research I did for the novel. I find these threads fun to read -- so I hope others do, too -- because they're so varied, colorful, and filled with links to cool and informative websites.

Thank you for reading. Please enjoy.

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