Thursday, April 1, 2021

6/24/18 discussion of criminal youth/adult love cases

Here is the link to my June 24, 2018, Twitter thread discussion about my feelings about youth/adult love relationships.

Twitter's platform has twisted each of my threads out of chronological order through 2018 and 2019. This thread is affected, and is only somewhat coherent. My apologies.

I would also like to mention that in this thread I detailed the recent history of legal cases regarding love affairs between women and girls, and how these cases, and my own feelings about society, had influenced my opinions about America's laws regarding the age of legally recognized consent to sex.

The feelings I express in this thread are largely unchanged. If anything, my only criticism of this thread is that, in the time since I wrote it, I really have not worked as hard as I should have to get a full understanding of the legal landscape regarding this issue.

Thank you for reading. Please enjoy.

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