Thursday, April 1, 2021

6/27/18 discussion about Supreme Court and KKK concerns

Here is the link to my June 27, 2018, Twitter "thread of threads" -- the threads connected her all being related to the federal empowerment of the KKK in the US since 2016 and some indications that the Supreme Court would likely stand up for sexual and racial discrimination over the following years.

I would say my ideas are mostly the same regarding these issues. It's sad to say, but especially given the events that took place at the beginning of 2021, I don't feel that white supremacist terrorists have gotten any less powerful by any means. In fact, I would say that their propaganda arm, QAnon, has gotten more powerful than ever, and that the propaganda power of the KKK or American Nazis or white supremacist terrorists or whatever people want to call them has only grown.

Thank you for reading. Please enjoy.

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