Monday, January 14, 2019

5/9/15 review of the film The People vs. George Lucas, by Alexandre O. Philippe

Here is the link to my Twitter thread review of the film The People vs. George Lucas, by Alexandre O. Philippe.

The People vs. George Lucas is a documentary that explores Lucas's Star Wars movies, fans' reactions, critical and creative, to the films, and the horrible backlash that followed the prequel movies. In my thread, I discuss how it's become a bit too easy for people to use prequel hatred as a theme for their work. I also discuss some of the aspects of Star Wars fan art that I like. I also discuss my favorite Star Wars fan art, the Star Wars Kid.

Here is the trailer for The People vs. George Lucas.

Also, I saw this film at the Denver Film Society, which is a great movie house, if you're ever in Denver, Colorado.

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