Monday, January 14, 2019

6/25/15 review of Tiel Lundy lecture on Busby Berkeley's Gold Diggers series

Here is my Twitter thread review of a lecture done on Busby Berkeley's Gold Diggers series of films at the Denver Film Society.

Over the past few years, University of Colorado film professor Tiel Lundy has visited Denver Film Society to give fun lectures on a number of subjects, most often linked to issues about fashion or sexuality, and the changing contexts of fashion and sexuality, in film. This Twitter thread discusses some of those aspects in the Busby Berkeley Gold Diggers series.

Here is the trailer for Gold Diggers of 1933.

Here is the trailer for Gold Diggers of 1935.

Here is the trailer for Gold Diggers of 1937.

As I mentioned, I saw this lecture at Denver Film Society, a great movie house in Denver, Colorado.

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