Wednesday, January 16, 2019

7/3/15 review of Dikeou Collection's video dialogue about Chris Johanson

Here is the link to my Twitter thread review of a 2015 video dialogue session the Dikeou Collection did on the work of Chris Johanson.

The Dikeou Collection has, over the years, done programs they call video dialogues, which are basically evenings where a number of videos, films, etc., are played that are either by or related to a certain artist, artist's themes, etc. This video dialogue discussed the work of Chris Johanson, one of the key artists in San Francisco's Mission School in the 1980s and 1990s.

Some videos included a clip from the TV series New Wave Theater. Here's a sample of that series.

Another video in the series was Antihero: Fucktards. Here's that video.

Here is a link to the Dikeou Collection's website. The Dikeou is my third-favorite art institution in Colorado.

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