Wednesday, November 21, 2018

12/19/14 review of L.A., Little Tokyo, Wiseman's National Gallery, Taschen's Rolling Stones show

Here is the link to a Twitter thread I did on a trip I took to Los Angeles in December of 2014.

I didn't see this thread as I was going through the December 2014 threads. But I had a feeling I'd find it. So I did some deeper searching. And here it is.

This thread discusses a lot of my experiences on that trip. I discuss my trip to Little Tokyo -- Kinokuniya, Orochon Ramen, and Cafe Demitasse. It discusses my trip to Book Off. It gives a review of the Frederick Wiseman documentary National Gallery. It gives a review of the Taschen Gallery's Rolling Stones photography exhibit. And it talks about some other stuff I was about to do on the trip.

I'll come back and provide links for some of the stuff discussed here. There's a lot.

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