Thursday, February 7, 2019

10/2/12 review of book Life Like Dolls by A.F. Robertson

So, as I mentioned in one of my first posts in this blog, I was trying a very basic method for hunting down all my old Twitter posts.

Recently, especially as I approach an emotionally charged date in my Twitter timeline, I've decided to do my best to get back to the very beginning of things.

I joined Twitter on October 1, 2012, I believe.

So this review of Life Like Dolls: The Collector Doll Phenomenon and the Lives of the Women Who Love Them, by A.F. Robertson might be my first book mention.

It's not my first book review, as you'll see in my next post. But it's the first book I mention reading, I'm pretty sure.

The review is not in thread form. It takes place over a number of separated tweets, which I posted between October 2nd and 5th of 2012.

Here are the tweets:


Went to the library. Checked out Life Like Dolls, a study of doll collectors, and The Art of Suicide, a history of suicide depicted in art.


I'm a new follower. I'm okay -- reading a book right now called Life Like Dolls, about porcelain doll collectors.


First tweet -- Still reading Life Like Dolls. One interesting idea is that kids had dolls they played with and other dolls they collected.

Second tweet -- One young woman in Life Like Dolls said she actually feared the dolls she collected, didn't play with. They were like strangers in her room.


Still reading Life Like Dolls. Brings up the concepts of want, need, deserving, desire, and ambition. Shades of an emotional color, I guess.

I checked this book out from the Jefferson County Public Library, a great library system in Denver, Colorado.

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