Thursday, February 7, 2019

Couple quick items -- Ko-fi support -- My recent/future posts

Hi everybody!

Thank you for visiting my blog.

Just a quick heads up -- if you like my work, please consider supporting me by visiting my Ko-fi profile and making a donation.

Ko-fi makes it easy for people to provide one-time donations in increments of $3 (i.e. the price of a coffee).

Every little bit helps. Thank you!


Also, a quick heads up for my regular readers on my recent posts.

As you know, this blog is an attempt to make a table of contents out of all my Twitter reviews.

I had originally been using Twitter's free analytics system to find my old posts. I hadn't been able to find posts earlier than late 2014 that way. So I started from there.

I was definitely noticing gaps in my Twitter threads, just based on my memory. So I started going back through my old paper notebooks to find records of things I had done since I started using Twitter in October of 2012.

I have found a lot of older stuff using this method.

So now I have gone back to October of 2012 and am working my way forward from there.

I assume I'll still have gaps in my record. For instance -- I have no notebook documentation of things I did between May and August of 2013.

Anyway, I'm assuming it won't be long before I get back to 2015.

However, I did want to be as thorough as possible, because early 2016 was such a big emotional transition point in my life. I want to make sure that I have the previous years as fully documented as I can before I head into my documentation of 2016.

Another thing you'll notice is, through 2013, a lot of my Twitter reviews aren't in thread form. They're posted via separate tweets. So many of the 2012 and 2013 Twitter reviews will be reproduced (in text) in their entirety in the blog posts.

I'm not crazy about doing that, because I like preserving the feel of Twitter for my reviews. But it's the only practical way for the earlier reviews.

Anyway, thank you as always for visiting. I hope you enjoy!

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