Thursday, February 7, 2019

10/3/12 and 10/31/12 reviews of books by Arthur C. Clarke -- MY FIRST TWITTER REVIEW???

Hello everybody! As I mentioned in my previous post, I'm going back to the very beginning of my Twitter to find my earliest reviews.

This single tweet appears to be my very first book review. On October 3, 2012, I mention How the World Was One: Beyond the Global Village, by Arthur C. Clarke.

Here's the tweet:

Finished How the World was One, by Arthur C. Clarke. Good history of telecommunications. But satellite part could have been more historical.

On October 31, 2012, I reviewed Clarke's book Astounding Days: The Science Fictional Autobiography.

At this time, my reviews weren't in thread form. They were separate tweets. To make things easier to read, I'll put all the tweets in this post.

T1. Finished reading Astounding Days by Arthur C. Clarke. Kind of a history of Astounding Stories magazine's effect on Clarke's thought.

T2Astounding Days moves from the cheesy beginnings of Astounding Stories magazine, through the age of great storytellers, including Clarke.

T3Astounding Days inspires me to read John W. Campbell, Murray Leinster, Victor Rousseau, William Corliss, Stanley Weinbaum, and E.E. Smith.

T4. In Clarke's Astounding Days there are plenty of stories of failed soothsayers and naysayers, as well as of those whose visions were correct.

T5. Interesting, in Astounding Days, how wrong people were about war- and space-rockets and how prescient they were about U-235's potential.

T6. Good Astounding Days quote: "For good or ill, the fantasies of my youth had become the international politics of my adult life."

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