Wednesday, February 13, 2019

3/10/13 review of RedLine Contemporary Art Center show Reality of Fiction

(Image: Christine Buchsbaum, Becoming Final, from RedLine show)

Here is my March 10, 2013, Twitter review of the RedLine Contemporary Art Center show Reality of Fiction.

Unlike my later Twitter reviews, this was not posted as a thread. Instead, the tweets were posted separately.

The tweets are below for your convenience.

However, I did not paste the images into this blog. I will mention which tweets have images attached.


Tweet 1. Today I went to the Red Line Gallery in Denver for its exhibit for the Denver Month of Photography.

T2. The Denver Month of Photography put on by @marksinkphoto features photographic work at over 180 locations in Denver. T3. The theme of this year's MoP from what I gathered from @denverpost is reality versus illusion. Hence @RedLineDenver's "Reality of Fiction."

T4. Front-page work at @RedLineDenver is selection from Fake Vacations by Reiner Riedler. People enjoying fake settings of famous destinations.

T5. Spatially (I guess) the centerpiece @RedLineDenver was series of low-color photos of people with body changes (?), by Phillip @MrToledano

T6. (with image) Here's one by Colorado artist Christine Buchsbaum I thought lovely @diaper_wolf would enjoy, maybe. @RedLineDenver

T7. What's also neat about @RedLineDenver is that the studios of the artists in residence are open for you to look around in.

T8. (with image) Some studios @RedLineDenver seem more like exhibits, as Laura Shill's. If only I could've had this room as a child!

T9. @RedLineDenver I wanted to leave a post-it in Dylan Scholinski's studio asking if I could come back to read Hillman's Suicide & the Soul.

T10. Snooping through the studios made me feel like the girl partner in Wong Kar Wai's Fallen Angels. Only I didn't masturbate. @RedLineDenver.


The following day, RedLine responded to my and another person's tweets. We had a little conversation, which is below.

RedLine. Thk u for mentions + RTs @heronpress @PreemiMaboroshi ! #CO Please help share this vid on REACH Studio today!

Me. @RedLineDenver @heronpress I definitely will. REACH studio seems like an awesome program!

(Later I posted the video.)

Me. Here's a segment on an awesome program at @RedLineDenver, a cool gallery in Denver.

RedLine. @PreemiMaboroshi Tks so much yort kind - we think so too  #COArts #Denver #Homeless #Charity Our #pinterest rocks too


Here is the link to the website for RedLine Contemporary Art Center, which is my favorite art space in Colorado.

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