Here is my March 10, 2013, Twitter review of the RedLine Contemporary Art Center show Reality of Fiction.
Unlike my later Twitter reviews, this was not posted as a thread. Instead, the tweets were posted separately.
The tweets are below for your convenience.
However, I did not paste the images into this blog. I will mention which tweets have images attached.
Tweet 1. Today I went to the Red Line Gallery in Denver for its exhibit for the Denver Month of Photography.
T2. The Denver Month of Photography put on by @marksinkphoto features photographic work at over 180 locations in Denver. T3. The theme of this year's MoP from what I gathered from @denverpost is reality versus illusion. Hence @RedLineDenver's "Reality of Fiction."
T4. Front-page work at @RedLineDenver is selection from Fake Vacations by Reiner Riedler. People enjoying fake settings of famous destinations.
T5. Spatially (I guess) the centerpiece @RedLineDenver was series of low-color photos of people with body changes (?), by Phillip @MrToledano
T6. (with image) Here's one by Colorado artist Christine Buchsbaum I thought lovely @diaper_wolf would enjoy, maybe. @RedLineDenver
T7. What's also neat about @RedLineDenver is that the studios of the artists in residence are open for you to look around in.
T8. (with image) Some studios @RedLineDenver seem more like exhibits, as Laura Shill's. If only I could've had this room as a child!
T9. @RedLineDenver I wanted to leave a post-it in Dylan Scholinski's studio asking if I could come back to read Hillman's Suicide & the Soul.
T10. Snooping through the studios made me feel like the girl partner in Wong Kar Wai's Fallen Angels. Only I didn't masturbate. @RedLineDenver.
The following day, RedLine responded to my and another person's tweets. We had a little conversation, which is below.
RedLine. Thk u for mentions + RTs @heronpress @PreemiMaboroshi ! #CO Please help share this vid on REACH Studio today!
Me. @RedLineDenver @heronpress I definitely will. REACH studio seems like an awesome program!
(Later I posted the video.)
Me. Here's a segment on an awesome program at @RedLineDenver, a cool gallery in Denver.
RedLine. @PreemiMaboroshi Tks so much yort kind - we think so too #COArts #Denver #Homeless #Charity Our #pinterest rocks too
Here is the link to the website for RedLine Contemporary Art Center, which is my favorite art space in Colorado.
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