Wednesday, January 23, 2019

7/25/15 review of Greg Louganis documentary Back on Board

Here is the link to my Twitter thread review of the documentary Back on Board: Greg Louganis, which was directed by Cheryl Furjanic.

Furjanic's documentary examines the life of Greg Louganis, one of the greatest divers in the world and an activist for LGBTQ issues and HIV/AIDS issues. My Twitter thread discusses some issues like the personal and the political, as well as the connection between politics and peak performance. I discuss some other pop culture connections which seem a little tenuous to me on recent reading.

Here is the trailer for Back on Board: Greg Louganis.

I saw Back on Board: Greg Louganis at the Denver Film Society in Denver, Colorado.

The film was part of the Denver Film Society's CinemaQ LGBTQ film festival.

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