Thursday, April 2, 2020

4/3/18 "open letter" to Elon Musk about semiautonomous vehicles

Here is the link to a Twitter thread "open letter" I wrote to Elon Musk in April of 2018 about semiautonomous vehicles.

The thread imagined semiautonomous vehicles being remotely driven via "drive centers," which would be something like call centers for remote vehicle drivers. The thread was based on the idea that people want autonomous vehicles because they don't want to have to think about their drive at all.

I still believe in the demand situation behind my idea. However, what I didn't consider then, and what I think is very true today, is that nobody would want someone driving their remote vehicle from a call center, given the intense fear around technology, surveillance, and privacy -- despite the fact that hopping into a Lyft or an Uber is the same thing on many levels.

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