Friday, April 3, 2020

4/6/18 discussion about sexual censorship

Here is the link to a Twitter thread I did in April of 2018 about sexual censorship.

This -- very long! -- thread was partly written in reaction to the April, 2018, raid on Backpage, following the passage (not enactment) of FOSTA-SESTA.

My views on FOSTA-SESTA were still mostly focused at that time on the law's effect on freedom of online sexual expression. And I was still trying to work through how my years of study, both with age of consent laws and youth/adult romance and with marriage equality backlash, connected with online sexual expression.

The thread mentions stories such as those of Kaitlyn Hunt, Helen Goddard, the man who tried to marry his laptop, Jocelyn Morffi, Stacey Bailey, Chris Isherwood, Don Bachardy, Mary Kay Letourneau, Vili Fualaau, Ali Michael, and Melanie Martinez. It mentions online expression in conjunction with a Maggie Jones New York Times article on porn and education. And it mentions my own amateur novel, Summer Azure.

The tweets in some of my threads have been twisted out of chronological order by Twitter's platform. This thread's coherency is pretty badly affected. My apologies.

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