Tuesday, January 21, 2020

12/10/16 opinions about James Comey and the 2016 elections

Here is the link to a Twitter thread I did in December of 2016 about James Comey and the 2016 elections.

The thread discusses some thought I -- and many others far smarter than I -- had about Comey's actions during the elections and how they compared to the Hatch Act, which deals with interfering with elections.

I've since done a lot of reading about the Hatch Act and have found that it doesn't really enforce much of anything. So I no longer believe a lot of the things I mention in some of these threads.

Nevertheless, I do feel it's good for me to keep these threads out there -- alongside my more educated thoughts -- so people understand I'm a regular citizen, and an amateur, doing the best I can, in good faith, to educate myself about the way my country works. Sometimes I fail. Sometimes I succeed.

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