Wednesday, January 29, 2020

8/4/17 review of book Seduction of the Innocent, by Fredric Wertham

Here is the link to my Twitter thread review of the book Seduction of the Innocent, by Fredric Wertham.

The thread gives a summary of the book, some background on the book and Wertham, and some context for why I read the book. The thread discusses some of the themes of the book. It tries to guess at personal reasons, like guilt, for Wertham exploring this topic. It discusses Wertham's and our society's fear of pop culture and high achievement. It gives some criticisms of Wertham, such as his silly views on Homeric poetry. It also examines Wertham's views on homosexuality in depth, as I don't think people really understand what he spoke about on that topic. It gives my opinions on conservative and liberal views on child psychology. And it discusses Wertham's often humorous and entertaining writing style.

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