Tuesday, March 30, 2021

6/15/18 discussion about the US Code and FOSTA-SESTA

Here is the link to my June 15, 2018, Twitter thread discussion about some research I did into the US Code to understand FOSTA-SESTA better.

As I've mentioned a lot before, I was deeply concerned when Congress passed FOSTA-SESTA in early 2018, as I felt the law would threaten freedom of sexual speech in general.

This thread signifies a turning point in my ideas about FOSTA-SESTA, as it really is when I decided to stop focusing on all sexual speech and to start focusing only on sex work decriminalization.

I don't think my choice was 100% smart. And I think I've spent about a year now trying to refocus myself on other aspects of freedom of sexual speech that actually are gravely impacted by FOSTA-SESTA and other laws like it.

Twitter's platform has twisted each of my threads through 2018 and 2019 out of chronological order. This thread is affected, but is still mostly coherent. My apologies.

Thank you for reading. Please enjoy.

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