Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Some quick thoughts/Support me on Ko-fi!

It's been a while since I did a quick thoughts post. But I thought this was an appropriate time.

If you like what I do and you would like to support my work, feel free to check out my Ko-fi page, where you can do one-time donations in increments of $3. I might also set up a monthly support page.

Ko-fi support isn't needed. I think of myself as an amateur. So money isn't what I'm looking for when I do my work. But I do like to have it as an option, in case anybody feels like they've gotten value from my work and would like to support it.

Anyway, I have -- I'm pretty sure -- finally finished posting all of my Twitter threads from October of 2012 (when I first joined Twitter) through December of 2015. That means I am starting in on 2016.

The burst of posts I've done over the past couple weeks covers a really rough, yet interesting time in my life.

From 2012 through 2015 I was involved in working with a pretty cool company. I took on more and more responsibility with them.

That really peaked in June of 2015, when the company got bought out. From June of 2015 through November of 2015, things at the company got worse and worse -- for everybody, but especially for me.

By the end of November of 2015, the new management team that had come into power after the buyout hated my guts and had me fired. I honestly think that a lot of the hatred that team had for me spilled out from my professional life onto my social life, kind of making me a targeted person and an outcast in my own community. But it's not really possible for me to prove that.

Anyway, in April of 2015, I started getting involved with Rule Gallery in Denver, Colorado. I was involved with them pretty heavy through the end of 2016, and then less and less, until May of 2017, when I felt really hurt and betrayed by them and stopped talking with them. I really regret having burned that bridge, because I really love the directors of Rule.

During these same months I also finished writing two of my favorite amateur novels: "... or do I?" and Hallowgiving.

I also moved into a place in April of 2015 that I stayed in until April of 2017. You'll notice how often I go to the Denver Film Society's Sie FilmCenter during this time. Well... that was because it was about five blocks from my house.

So this time period was full of activity, excitement, struggle, finished work of my own, and experiences I tweeted about a lot. Hopefully the experiences I had are interesting to you all, as well.

Please enjoy this blog and my Twitter threads. Feedback appreciated.

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