Tuesday, March 10, 2020

1/20/18 review of 2018 Women's March on Colorado

Here is the link to my Twitter thread review of the 2018 Women's March on Colorado.

The thread gives some background on the march. It discusses the march's theme. It mentions the Native American women who were centered for the march. It discusses and gives photos of presentations by Karen Roberts Grissom, Candi CdeBaca, Chante Okic Ouye Wiya, Kim Desmond, Reverend Nancy Rojas, 100 Women in Black, Lauren Casteel, Kerrie Joy, Karmen Carter, and Faith Winter. The thread also gives a lot of photos from the march.

Some of my Twitter threads have been twisted out of chronological order by Twitter's platform. This thread's coherency suffers as a result. My apologies. However, the tweets address themes from the march that were really interesting. And they show tons of great pictures. So the thread is worth a read.

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