Monday, March 9, 2020

1/8/18 review of film Phantom Thread, dir. by Paul Thomas Anderson

Here is the link to my Twitter thread review of the film Phantom Thread, directed by Paul Thomas Anderson.

The thread gives a summary of the film. The thread discusses the film as a ghost story and a sort of fetish or BDSM story. It also discusses the themes of the film as a love story, such as finding the right person to love; accepting one's own faults; how to deal with others' faults; accepting, but also putting boundaries on, the behavior of talented people. The thread discusses what I liked about the film's visuals, fashions, and music.

Some of my threads have been twisted out of chronological order by Twitter's platform. This has had a slight effect on the coherency of this thread. My apologies.

I saw this film at the Denver Film Society's Sie FilmCenter in Denver, Colorado.

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