Thursday, March 5, 2020

12/10/17 discussion of media as seen through some works of art

Here is the link to a Twitter thread I did in December of 2017 connecting some thoughts I'd had after seeing the documentary OJ: Made in America, the film Manifesto, and the Getty Museum exhibit Breaking News.

I had been wondering, after seeing Alfredo Jaar's work Untitled (Newsweek) at the Getty, about how its themes seemed to contrast with those of OJ: Made in America. So in my thread, I question how the Getty exhibit and the two films I discuss explore how media "works" and how it is "broken." I also explore my own comfort levels with media, and how that influences my thoughts about these questions.

Unfortunately -- yet again, this is another thread that has been twisted around so much by Twitter's platform (all of the tweets being strung out of chronological order) that it is somewhat difficult to read.

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