Thursday, February 7, 2019

10/5/12 review of Mark Twain's Prince and the Pauper, and more

As I've mentioned in the past couple tweets, I've taken a few steps back from my previous posts, which looked at my Twitter reviews from 2014 and 2015. Instead, I'm going back to the very beginning of my time on Twitter.

This is essentially the third book review I did on Twitter. It's of Mark Twain's classic, The Prince and the Pauper.

This review is only one tweet long. Here is the tweet.

Finished reading Twain's Prince and the Pauper today. The Miles Hendon character is great. Like the "jolly" guy in Martin Chuzzlewit.

A few months later, for some reason, I got a bug in my ear about Mark Twain's quote, "The reports of my death have been greatly exaggerated."

I ended up doing a few parody tweets about that quote. Here they are.

T1. MARK TWAIN: Reports of my death have been greatly exaggerated. ME: Ha! Famous last words!

T2. MARK TWAIN IN HEAVEN: The reports of God's death have been greatly exaggerated. NIETZSCHE: Shutup!

T3. MARK TWAIN, FROM HEAVEN: Reports of my reincarnation have been greatly exaggerated.

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