Friday, February 8, 2019

12/24/12 review of book D.V. by Diana Vreeland

(Image: Left Bank Books New York)

This is my Twitter review of the book D.V., the memoirs of Diana Vreeland

This is one of my earlier Twitter reviews. I did it on December 24, 2012.

Unlike most of my Twitter reviews, this was not done as a thread. Instead, I posted each tweet separately.

The tweets are below for your convenience.


Tweet 1. Finished reading DV, the memoirs of Diana Vreeland, fashion icon, Harper's Bazaar and Vogue editor, and curator for the Met Museum.

T2. Vreeland's book is full of great stories. I had a hard time remembering them all. I love the stories of the Duke and Duchess of Windsor. T3. I love Vreeland's stories of her meticulous work at the lingerie boutique. And the stories involving Coco Chanel. T4. The stories of Vreeland's experiences with speakeasy violence and The Night of the Long Knives are pretty wild.

T5. The book has a nice mix of autobiography and history. Often Vreeland's life is peripheral to the wild times and personalities around her. T6. Vreeland's book reminds me a lot of Russell's Portraits from Memory. And of Simone de Beauvoir's Au Revoir a Sartre.

T7. Interesting is Vreeland's sensibility of a fashion connection between France and Russia. Even Chanel was inspired by Russia.

T8. Vreeland laments the trend of large fashion shops like Saks. This trend is opposite the trend Alvin Topfler saw in his book Future Shock.

T9. I really like the part in the book where Vreeland philosophizes on color.


Here is the link to the HarperCollins page for D.V.

I checked this book out from the Jefferson County Public Library system in Colorado.

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