Monday, February 18, 2019

6/21/14 review of film Ai No Shinsekai, dir. by Banmei Takahashi

(Image: Amazon)

Here is the link to my Twitter thread review of the film Ai No Shinsekai, directed by Banmei Takahashi.

Ai No Shinsekai, a somewhat fetish-themed film made in 1994, is really one of my favorite Japanese films of all time. What I don't mention in the thread is that it's really an underrated classic. Part of the reason for this is that one of the best photographers of all time, Nobuyoshi Araki, wrote the story and created some imagery for the film.

My Twitter thread discusses the balance between the slice-of-life aspects of the film and the fetish aspects. It describes the wild and fun mood of the film as well as some of my favorite scenes. And it gives a little insight into my love for 1990s Japan styles.

Here is the trailer for Ai No Shinsekai.

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