Wednesday, February 6, 2019

3/22/15 review of The Art Books of Henri Matisse at the Bechtler Museum

(Image: The Knife Thrower, by Henri Matisse, via the Bechtler Museum)

Here is the link to my Twitter thread review of the 2015 exhibition The Art Books of Henri Matisse at the Bechtler Museum of Modern Art.

My thread discusses how I went to the Bechtler's show partly to see Matisse's collage book Jazz, since I love and make collage. But the thread also shows pictures of and discusses Matisse's illustrations of Mallarme's poetry, the story of Pasiphae (and my copy of an illustration from that work), and some comparisons to other artists.

Here is the link to the Bechtler's info on their show The Art Books of Henri Matisse.

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