Wednesday, February 13, 2019

A few quick thoughts/Support me on Ko-fi!

Hi everybody! Thank you for reading my blog. Just wanted to do a bit of self-promotion and share some quick thoughts.

First -- if you like my work, please visit my Ko-fi page, where you can support my work by giving a one-time donation in increments of $3 (i.e. the price of a cup of coffee).

Second -- I just wanted to share some thoughts for folks who have been watching this blog for a while.

As you've noticed, this is a blog gathering together all my Twitter thread reviews over the years.

When I started the blog, I started where I could first find threads by using Twitter's easy search function. That got me as far back as late 2014.

As I explained in my previous update post, I recently noticed I was missing a lot of stuff. So I decided to go all the way back to October of 2012, which is when I first started posting on Twitter, and use a more thorough search method.

So you'll notice that the posts near the top of the blog are longer than the posts near the bottom. That's because the newer posts link directly to threads, whereas I did a lot of my earlier reviews by just tweeting out individual tweets. So, for the earlier reviews, I've just copied out all the tweets, so nobody else has to hunt them down.

The last few posts I've done have seen a lot of "firsts" for me. The first art gallery and museum reviews I did on Twitter. And the first time I went to the RedLine Contemporary Art Center, which is my favorite art space in Denver.

Also, sadly, one of the tweets mentions my sick grandmother, who, in fact, passed away in late March of 2013. I'll always remember and love her.

Anyhow, thank you for visiting. And I hope you all enjoy the content.

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