Friday, February 1, 2019

10/8/15 review of novel The American People, by Larry Kramer

Here is the link to my Twitter thread on the novel The American People, Volume 1: The Search for My Heart, by Larry Kramer.

Larry Kramer is, of course, one of the most important activists of recent history. He did a lot for LGBTQ rights and for the rights of people with HIV/AIDS. My Twitter thread discusses how Kramer's novel The American People is a sort of semi-autobiographical novel of America. I discuss how Kramer uses alternative history as well as personal viewpoints to give a poetic vision of LGBTQ people in America. I also give some criticisms of the book -- namely that it's really confusing at times.

I bought this book at the Tattered Cover Bookstore, a great bookstore chain in Denver, Colorado.

Here is the link to Macmillan's page for Kramer's The American People, Volume 1.

It also might be worth noting that The American People, Volume 2: The Brutality of Fact, is coming out on October 15, 2019.

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